Left 4 Dead Player Stats :: 「쟈비스」 :: Player Stats

「쟈비스」 :: Player Stats

Rank: 80
Points: 192,620
Infected Killed: 38,398
Survivors Killed: 0
Headshots: 5,622
Headshot Ratio: 14.64 %
Points per Minute: 86.26
Common Infected 30,722
Chargers 2,362
Spitters 1,707
Jockeys 1,450
Hunters 1,248
Boomers 1,205
Smokers 776
Friendly Fire Incidents 871
Friendlies Left For Dead 83
Witches Disturbed 78
Incapacitated Friendlies 30
Infected Let In Safe Room 18
Teammates Killed 1

City Buster

Killed more zombies than the entire population of Corbin, KY, population 38,342.
That is almost more than the entire population of Union City, TN-KY, population 38,428.

The Meat Butcher

Turn into a crazy butcher luniac.
1500 / 1500

No Headed

Get over 500 headshots on the common infected.


Disturbe the witch 15 times.

Bad Aim

Incaped 30 team mates.


Kill 4 boomers on Versus Mode.

Pills Here!

Give some pills to another survivor.

The First Aid

Heal 4 survivors with an medkit.
4 / 4

Bad Player

Killed 15 team mates.

1 / 15


Kill 10 tanks without dying.
2 / 10