Left 4 Dead Player Stats :: Viewing Player: Gooooooooooooooood!

Viewing Player: Gooooooooooooooood!

2020-08-08 3:48am (4.75 years ago)

Player Information

Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:79859701
Total Playtime: 1.87 hours (112 minutes)
Timed Maps: 7 runs

Player Stats

Points: 2,228
Infected Killed: 1,040
Survivors Killed: 0
Achievements Earned: 2

Survivor Awards

Protected Friendlies 37
Tanks Killed with Team 10
Saved Friendlies from Hunters 9
Safe Houses Reached with All Survivors 6
Revived Friendlies 6
Saved Friendlies from Smokers 4
Saved Friendlies from Jockeys 3
Campaigns Completed 2
Gas Canisters Poured 1
Rescued Friendlies 1
Pills Given 1
Tanks Killed with No Deaths 1
Adrenalines Given 1
Crowned Witches 0
Saved Friendlies from Chargers 0
Leveled Charges 0
Medkits Given 0
Defibrillators Used 0
Ammo Upgrades Deployed 0

Infected Awards

Pain From Above 0
Survivors Incapacitated 0
Death From Above 0
Bulldozer 0
Caused Ledge Grab 0
All Survivors Dead 0
Perfect Blindness 0